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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Grilled sea bream with baked cherry tomatoes and sautéed zucchini


1 orata grande o due piccole sfilettate

2 zucchine chiare piccole

2 rametti di pomodorini pachino o cherry

1 peperoncino

1 spicchio d'aglio

1 ciuffetto di prezzemolo

olio e.v.


How to distinguish a farmed fish from a wild fish?. First, a wild fish's fin is more developed as it does not live in a confined space and having to move more, indeed, move his ass to catch is meal!. But the irrefutable evidence is it's feeding. This you can see in his stomach in the form of whitish mush when farmed and more organic and natural when wild ( little fishes, shrimps, etc….).

To recognize the freshness of the product, first check the eye. Must be lively as that of human' s eye, with dark pupils, not opaque. The gills should be a vibrant dark red color. Shiny skin and firm flesh.

Chosen the fish, buy possibly white zucchini and cherry tomatoes.


Preheat the oven and put in the cherry tomatoes in bunches once cleaned in a try. Add some oil and a pinch of salt. 180 degrees for 5-10 minutes.

Cut the zucchini into rectangles and toss them in a pan with 3 tablespoons of olive oil and pepper. Let them brown and when cooked (and not before), add salt, minced garlic, chopped parsley, cover and turn off. So does my father …. simple and delicious! Also perfect to dress a pasta with the addition of a bit of mint, a knob of butter and parmesan cheese.

Take the two sea breams fillets and place them skin side down in the pan with the oil (2 tablespoons) when very hot to the point of smoking. The skin at the contact with the hot pan will tend to tighten bending the fish. With the hand or a spatula apply pressure for a few seconds. Add the salt and when you start to notice the cooked part on the edges, (about 3-4 minutes), turn and after a minute or two take it off and serve. In the try with the tomatoes a precious sauce/juices will remain, sweet and sour. The perfect touch to finish the dish with no need to add any lemon.



I’m sorry about any mistakes I may have made, English is not my first Language

22. September 2012 - admin
Categories: Italian cuisine, fish , quick and easy recipes, gluten free, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 comments

Comments (2)

  1. seguo il tuo blog da qualche settimana,
    che meraviglia questi piatti semplici e gustosi che stai presentando!
    grazie davvero

  2. Un aspetto meraviglioso. Sembrerà forse bizzarro ma la cosa che mi attira di più è la pelle abbrustolita!