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Tag Archives for Pablo Miravalles

Crumble of macadamia with orange mousse and whisky custard cream


  Macadamia Crumble: Mix all ingredients until the dough is smooth. Put in the freezer for a few hours in order to harden it and then grate it sprinkling on a tray. Bake for about 10 min. 160 ° or until you get a golden...
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whisky cream

Mojito Cake

DIFFICOLTÀ : | TEMPO: mezza giornata calcolando i tempi di riposo per la mousse

  Let's start with the sponge cake: whip the eggs with the sugar and stir in the flour. Roll it into a baking tray with parchment paper forming a layer about half an inch high. Bake in preheated oven for 5 min. to 200...
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torta mojita4

Chocolate sushi


Una volta elaborate tuttute e tre le texuture componenti, stendete un strato di pellicola trasparente come se fosse un alga nori. Ritagliate la" lasagna" di cioccolato in quadrati di circa 10 cm. e appogiatene sulla pellicola. Formate...
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