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Monday, March 26, 2012

Avocado and crunchy vegetables salad with a lemon, honey and mustard vinaigrette


200 gr. Carrot
120 gr. Cabbage
2 avocados
1 small lemon or half large
3 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon not full of strong mustard (dijon type)
3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon pine nuts (toasted or not)
1 tablespoon raisins


A fresh, crunchy and creamy salad, great for any season. A recipe of my own, with sweet and deep flavours.
Created from the memory of a trip to France as a child. I was impressed by the presentation of a salad served in a cabbage leaf but, I can not remember the flavour, it's just a visual memory. Perhaps it was coleslaw salad but maybe the only thing it has in common with mine would be the cabbage.


Cut carrots into matchsticks and the cabbage into fine strips. Put everything in a bowl, add salt, salting any vegetable and leave for half an hour minimum. This way they will begin to sweat and soften while keeping the crunchy texture. Technically, the salt brings out the water for the process of osmosis.
Once softened, drain the water, add the raisins, pine nuts (toasted or not) and the avocado cut into large pieces.
Dress with the vinaigrette and serve inside a cabbage leaf.

For the vinaigrette, squeeze the lemon, add honey, a quality mustard (dijon type), half an avocado in pieces, a pinch of salt, a little water and blend it. If too thick, add more water.



26. March 2012 - admin
Categories: starters, Italian cuisine, vegetarian dishes, quick and easy recipes, gluten free | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 comments

Comments (5)

  1. che spettacolo, bellissima la presentazione!
    e deve essere buonissima, domani la provo, ho giusto un avocado maturo e le carote bio!

  2. Ma è stupenda!!! Grazie Luca!!!

  3. anche un falso caviale al limone può starci bene come sostitutivo della gelatina

  4. Grazie Luca, la tua partecipazione alla mia raccolta di Agosto per la svida, chef per un mese, è graditissima :)
    La tua ricetta mi piace moltissimo,

    • Grazie a te!!