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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Liquid yogurt spheres with strawberries ” caviar “


• ingredienti per 20 sfere:

500 gr. di yogurt dolce
500 ml acqua
2.5 gr. alginato

100 gr. di purè di fragole ( o simile )
12.5 gr. zucchero
12,5 gr. d'acqua
1 bicchiere di olio di semi

1 mango
scorza di lime


The Spherification is a technique of molecular gastronomy of the genius Ferran Adrià. This technique is the reaction of liquids mixed with alginate and then submerge in solutions of calcium or vice versa. This allows us to create a membrane at a liquid solution, obtein spheres or "caviar" - fake caviar.
A nice texture where when biting a solid consistency, follows an explosion of liquid.


The techniques that I applied today are 3: The invers spherification, “caviar” made with agar agar and a mix between the two, a liquid sphere with caviar inside.
The invers Spherification consists in immersing a liquid directly (with a spoon) in a mixture of water and alginate (500 ml of water and 2.5 gr. Alginate). This, only if the liquid in question that we want texturize is rich in calcium (such as yogurt). In the case that we want texturize a liquid that has no calcium, we have to help it with the addition of another agent, the gluconolactat.
Let the sphere a few minutes in the alginate bath and then rinse in plain water.

For the fake caviar of fruit, bring to boil the fruit purè (100 gr.) with syrup (25 gr. [ made of 12.5 gr. water with  12.5 of sugar]) and 1 gr. of agar agar. The agar agar is a type of gelatin which acts only in warm temperature (80 degrees). So bring the mix to boil and mix well. With a large syringe (without needle), pick up the mix and let the drops fall directly in cold veg. oil. The hot drops when in contact with the cold oil will solidify. Let the caviar in the oil in the fridge. When you want to serve just pick up the caviar with a perforated spoon. For the spheres stuffed with caviar, simply add the ready caviar into the liquid yogurt before making the spheres.

Today I served the spheres on a bed of mango and lime zest.



I’m sorry about any mistakes I may have made, English is not my first Language

14. July 2012 - admin
Categories: desserts, gluten free, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 comments

Comments (4)

  1. Molto creativo, complimenti per le spiegazioni.

  2. Non ho capito come sono state inserite le sfere piu piccole in quella piu grande ( bianca di yogourt). Grazie :)

    • Per le sfere ripiene con caviale, semplicemente aggiungete quest’ ultimo allo yogurt liquido prima di sferificare

  3. Che bello! Spiegazione chiarissima! Grazie! Ci voglio provare! :)