Saturday, July 7, 2012
Duck breast with foie gras vinaigrette

2 duck breasts 300 gr. each
40 gr. foie micuit
1 shallot
2 champignon mushrooms
1/4 of a courgette
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon light soy sauce
6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
A summer version to enjoy a duck breast. A lively and delicate vinaigrette with foie micuit, vegetables and pine nuts.
Take the duck breast and with a knife score the skin side (without touching the meat) forming diamond shapes. Season and put on a cold frying pan skin side down without adding any oil. Turn on and leave it at medium-low heat for about 5 min.. When golden brown, turn it over and let another 3 min. aprox. Touch it in the center to understand the cooking. If too soft is undercooked, if hard is overcooked. So look for a middle point. The optimum cooking for a duck breast is pink/midium (between cooked and the rare). Important, leave the duck breast to rest for 10 min. in the same pan before cutting and serve.
For the vinaigrette: Chop the shallots finely and place in a saucepan at medium temp. with the e.v. olive oil until cooked and released its sweet taste. After a few minutes add the zucchini cut into small cubes (brunoise) and turn off after one minute. Let cool a few minutes and add the toasted pine nuts, diced raw champignon mushrooms, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce and the foie micuit cutted into cubes at the end.
Another week I will make foie micuit, teaching you a fantastic modern technique, very easy to make at home.
So for the moment, get some micuit from your deli store. Mix everything gently trying not to break and melt the pieces of foie.
Cut the duck breast in 1 cm slices. and place on the plate. Sprinkle with the vinaigrette and if you like citrus fruits, decorated with thin slices of orange zest. Maldon salt if necessary and serve.
I’m sorry about any mistakes I may have made, English is not my first Language
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che raffinatezza!