Spaghetti with scampi sauce and bottarga
For a scampi sauce you do not need to buy the big ones. Those small are perfect and also cheaper. Before you make the sauce prepare a concentrated flavor of scampi. A simple and rapid consommè then reduced. Cut the prawns...
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Salmon tartare with smoked herring’s caviar and creamy avocado
For the balance (acid – alkaline) I added the lemon juice only in the avocado’s cream as by eating it all together, it balances perfectly the fat of the salmon. Plus by not coming into direct contact with the fish, it does not cook...
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Smoked chicken ravioli with spinach cream, cottage cheese and pistachios
Take the chicken and mince it with a knife as if it was a steak tartare. Poach the onion with the garlic and add the meat. As soon as golden colour, season it. Follow the white wine, the smoke essence (at taste)...
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Duck breast with cherry vinaigrette
Wash, debone and chop the cherries with a knife. Put everything in a bowl and season with 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil. The vinaigrette may already be good like this. Indeed, this is...
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Sardines “Sarde in saor”, taste of the trip in Venice
Sarde in saor ( sardine saporite ) è uno tra i piatti più classici della cucina veneziana. Sostanzialmente è pesce fritto e poi macerato assieme a una cipollata con aceto. Nato come modo per far durare un'alimento grazie...
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Peppered filet of beef with lemon
Take a central piece of fillet, about 400 gr. and season well with salt and plenty of black pepper coarsely ground on all sides. In a saucepan, add 5 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and on high heat sir the fillet on...
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Cauliflower cream with confit porcini mushrooms
In a small saucepan put the mushrooms cut into large chunks with two peeled cloves of garlic. Cover them with the ‘extra virgin olive oil. Add to that a sprig of thyme, and a little rosemary. Turn the heat to low and simmer...
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Risotto ai carciofi
Peel the artichokes, cut them in half, remove the hairs of the heart and leave them in water with lemon as you clean them. Cut into slices and sauté in a pan with the oil, a bay leaf and a clove of crushed garlic skin on. As...
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Lamb saddle stuffed with cured ham and mushroom
Let’s start with the filling. Cut the ham into little cubes (brunoise) and fry together with the finely chopped onion with a tablespoon of ‘oil and one of butter. When just browned add the dried mushrooms...
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Tortelli di zucca alla mantovana – Pumpkin ravioli
Per me uno dei top 10 della cucina italiana. Classico e fino. Abbinamento geniale questo degli amaretti con la zucca e la mostarda di mele. A chi può venir in mente di aggiungere dei biscotti di mandorle alla zucca ? Non lo...
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